%% Dear Correspondent, %% The latex template is given below. I'm sure you can figure out what %% to do (although the instructions call for the Editor to do the %% details), but if there is a problem just do the letter itself %% in the area after \def\letterbody{ %% Cheers, %% Dave %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Editor: Please enter author's name, e.g., %% %% \def\author{David Stickland} %% \def\author{} %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Editor: Enter the body of the letter between the curly %% brackets below. Check normal LaTeX syntax -- blank lines %% give paragraph breaks in the normal way. %% \def\letterbody{ } %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% EDITOR: Please enter address details in definitions below. %% %% Replace the entries in the example below %% \def\department{Space Science Department} \def\institute{Rutherford Appleton Laboratory} \def\address{Chilton} \def\town{Didcot} \def\county{Oxfordshire} \def\postcode{OX11 0QX} \def\email{obs@ast.star.rl.ac.uk} \def\date{1994 November 18} \def\title{Simple Stars} %% %% LaTeX commands for typesetting %% \documentclass[12pt]{article} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5} \parindent 0.3in \textwidth 6.2in \textheight 8.5in \hoffset -0.7in \voffset -0.6in \begin{document} \centerline{CORRESPONDENCE} \bigskip \centerline{\it To the Editors of `The Observatory'} \bigskip \centerline{\it \title} \bigskip \indent\letterbody \bigskip \begin{flushright} {Yours faithfully,\hspace*{2cm}} \\ \sc\author. \end{flushright} \footnotesize \begin{flushleft} \department, \\ \hspace{.3cm} \institute, \\ \hspace{.6cm} \address, \\ \hspace{.9cm} \town, \county, \postcode \\ \hspace{1.2cm} [\email] \bigskip \date \end{flushleft} \normalsize \centerline{\it References} %% Add references as required: \end{document} %% %% End of file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%